Amsterdam Air Quality Sensor Data Analysis
Master programme course individual project
Amsterdam Air Quality Sensor Data Analysis
Master programme course individual project
In this project, I was tasked to perform data analysis using sensors data. PM10 and PM2.5 air quality sensor data of Amsterdam, the Netherlands from 1 March 2019 to 29 February 2020 were retrieved from several portal APIs (Luchtmeetnet, Samen Meten, Open Sense Map portals) using Python. Amsterdam adminstrative boundaries were retrieved from PDOK.
Retieved air quality data were preprocessed, such as removing unnecessary measurements, handling null and negative values, and addressing temporal and spatial gaps. Afterwards, exploratory data analysis phase were performed including descriptive analysis, outlier detection, and simple regression modelling.
Lastly, the data were processed to compare the air quality between weekdays and weekends, and air quality between seasons throughout the year.
In this project, several softwares were heavily used: QGIS, PyCharm, RStudio.
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