Game of Life Implementation using Parallel Computing
Master programme course individual project
Game of Life Implementation using Parallel Computing
Master programme course individual project
In this project, I was tasked to build Conway’s Game of Life using Python in order to demonstrate how parallel computing affects code performance. Several run of game of Life were conducted to see the differences when Dask parallel computing module is implemented and when it is not. Several grid sizes and in-game generations were also compared.
Some parameters were analyzed as comparation such as CPU and wall time of the code execution, C Profiler, Line Profiler, and task stream using Dask dashboard.
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Rifqi Alfadhillah Sentosa
Main Job at Kapuas Prima Coal: Planned, managed, and reported gold mine exploration activities from head office.
- Managed exploration database from site to be daily updated to Head of Exploration Department.
- Generated and maintained macros and automations to maintain exploration database in head office.
- Performed 3D geological modelling to determine mineral orebody to support mining site activities.
- Maintained geostatistical block model updates to improve orebody model and resource estimation.
- Performed geostatistical resource estimation to determine quantity and quality of ore deposit.
- Performed GIS and Remote Sensing analyses to review new prospect areas for future development.
Main Job: Provided trainings and solved issues regarding the mining software Micromine.
- Resolved daily technical issues and queries regarding Micromine software.
- Provided commercial software training for Micromine users during company and public training.
- Provided technical pre-sales presentation and support for Micromine potential users.
- Appointed as Technical Specialist to lead Micromine Geothermal Project's technical exploration about the software’s potential capabilities outside mining industry.